Finally February is here! 💃 in case you’re looking for new ways to make your brand stand out, these PR trends will help you boost your PR activities throughout the rest of the year:
1)Executive Thought Leadership: Thought leadership, when done well and when the executive has something to say that isn’t the same as everyone else, works wonders. If your clients can combine their PR activities with providing relevant information on trending topics, their thought leadership will boom in 2017!
2)Influencer Marketing: According to a Nielsen survey, 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from individuals they may or may not personally know if such individual is perceived as a “social media star” in the industry. So if you don’t already have a strong influencer marketing program set for 2017, you’ll be way behind.
3)Contributor Marketing: The more great content you have, the more followers and readers you get and consequently, the more other networks will want to work with you or use your content in order to get more traffic for themselves as well. Contributors always have something new and fresh to say. So if you aren’t a contributor or thought leader in any way, it’s best you find one to latch on to.
All the above tips will help you secure your spot as a leading PR Agency/Firm in no time!