8 Ways To Handle A Social Media Crisis

As a business, brand or any organisation you will likely face a public relations crisis at some point, the way you respond to it can either build your image or damage it. It is important to properly handle such, should it occur, so as to maintain a proper relationship with your clients and business partners. Here are 8 ways to handle a crisis:

1. Take responsibility

2. Stay proactive, transparent and accountable

3. Have a strategy in place in case you face a social media backlash

4. Communicate as a brand not as an individual

5. Remember to humanise your messages

6. Include verifiable quotes in your press releases.

7. Apologise where wrong, and take corrective actions.

8. Keep monitoring the situation and communicate regularly. Anyone operating in the public relations sphere needs to be vigilant, proactive and have a strategy in place so as to quickly and effectively handle any PR crisis that might arise. At WildFlower PR we take issues and crisis management seriously; as we are proactive and have a strategy in place to see that our clients are never caught unawares.


Brand voice can be simply defined as the unique way a brand conveys its personality while communicating with its audience. What are you saying, and how are you saying it? This is reflected in the choice of words, attitude, and values a brand uses. Every time you interact on social media your brand voice is being portrayed. It pays to be consistent and deliberate when interacting with your audience.

Here are 4 major factors to consider to help you understand your brand personality and how to better communicate it;

• PERSONA – What kind of character do you want to portray? Will you be authoritative, friendly, or inspiring, etc. You have to decide which one suits your brand properly and stay true to it.

• TONE – What tone of voice will be used to pass this message? Will it be personal, direct or even scientific? What aligns with your brand identity? These are questions to deal with to help you understand how to choose what best suits you.

• LANGUAGE – What choice of words is best? Simple? Fun? Complex? What words would your target audience relate with best?

• PURPOSE: Why is this message being passed? To inform, educate or entertain? When these questions are settled, you would have a better understanding of your brand voice and how to use it effectively.

N.B: It is important to know that a brand can have more than one of each and does not have to limit itself to one expression.

The ABC’s of Email Marketing.

Image result for email marketing

Email marketing comes in handy when you want to reach a large number of people, prospects, get new clients and maintain existing ones. It is estimated that about 91% of consumers check their emails daily.

Return on Investment (ROI) on email marketing can reach 3800%, and emails have 3 times an average order value (AOV) compared with social media. With this figures it pays to maximize your email marketing strategy to what works best for you.

Here are some guidelines you can follow to increase the chances of your marketing effectiveness:

Use a compelling headline – Your headline/subject line is the first thing your target audience gets to see and it should speak to the reader letting them know what your email will do for them. • Grow your mailing list – One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering people something free (a.k.a, Lead magnet, like an e-book, discount, free trial or webinar in exchange for an email address. An added benefit is that this act of generosity also tends to build loyal customers

Avoid getting labeled as spam – Follow laid down regulations concerning emails such as only sending to people who have subscribed to your email and also give them the option to unsubscribe.

Also, use merge tags to personalised the “To:” field so each recipient gets a personalized email. Also, avoid unnecessary use of exclamation marks and sales word as these actions could lead to some spam filter being triggered by such.

Know your target audience – Getting the most out of your emails requires knowing who needs and wants what you have to offer so you can concentrate on them and increase effectiveness. Also, make use of the insights (usually accessible from the reports section in the email marketing application) to know how effective your marketing strategy is and how you can adjust as needed.

Finally, make sure your emails are optimised for mobile as well, over 50% of consumer check their emails on their phones.

Tips on Dealing with the Media.

Dealing with the press is an important and unavoidable aspect of public relations. Handled properly, it can be a plus to anyone, brand or organisation, otherwise it could be the beginning of a downward spiral for whoever is involved.

Here are some guidelines for effectively dealing with the press:

1. Stay Professional & Stick to Facts

While it is okay to make use of humour, be aware that your jokes can be taken out of context. The reporter is talking to you to “break or make the news” – it is in your best interest to stay factual and professional.

2. Don’t Say Anything You Don’t Want Published

The reporter may not need your permission to write or print anything you say, so don’t share any information you would not want to be made public knowledge.

3. Gather all Necessary Data

The reporter isn’t the only one who can ask questions. Get as much information as you can about the issue at hand. Only give answers to what you can, and don’t feel pressured to respond to every question right away. You can request for more time to properly understand the situation. This has an added benefit as that time-gap between conversation and deadline also gives you an opportunity to deal with the issue and by the time you get back with the reporter, the problem may have been resolved.

It is important to note that most of the time the press is simply trying to engage their audience with what they consider newsworthy, with that at the back of your mind informing your decisions in relating with the press you are better able to know how to shape the conversation in your favour.

Tips For Handling Negative PR

RSooner or later everyone has to deal with negative publicity, perhaps a competition releases or sponsors a negative report or an angry customer releases a bad review about your business. The popular saying goes “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”, but we know that negative publicity not properly handled can adversely affect anyone or business. It is vital to handle bad press with poise so it doesn’t spiral out of control and when handled properly you can turn it around for your benefit.

Here are three (3) effective tips in handling negative publicity:

1.  Be honest and welcome feedback:

Where there has been a misdoing, acknowledge the error, apologise or restitute where necessary and welcome the opinion of others. It helps to take a reconciliatory approach as this also helps connect with your audience and rebuild trust.

2. Respond, don’t react:

Reshape and refocus the conversation by countering with good publicity. Drown out your detractors by releasing press statements, social media posts etc. that show your accomplishments. This helps to control the narrative in your favour.

3.  Fix the problem:

Trace the source of the issue and make the necessary decisions to address it. This also helps the public know that you are listening and can be trusted.

It is important to know that any brand can have a positive comeback from a negative press, the difference between those who do and those who do not is in how they handle and respond to it.


A press release is an official statement given to the media to give information about an organisation’s official view or stand on a topic. Press releases have various uses, which range from correcting public information to getting people buzzed about a brand’s new direction and products etc. Press releases are important for any organisation serious about its public perception especially in the social media age where information spreads quickly and public opinion swings like a clock’s pendulum, an apt example would be GTB which recently released an official statement to clarify that they were not asked by the Supreme Court to pay an Automobile company any amount so as to correct an ongoing public rumour about the takeover of the bank.

In the past, brands have relied on print house and traditional media houses to pass across official information to the public, however, in the wake of social media the world has evolved to also using social media influencers and popular social media channels to also push press releases.

Here are tips for maximizing your press releases:

  • Use a catchy topic and introduction.

Your topic and lead paragraph should be interesting enough for the audience to want to read your statement and should also provide a “hook” for the journalist and contain information about the “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why” and “how”.

  • Don’t bore your audience.

Studies show that people prefer to get information as concisely and accurately as possible, so keep your information short, simple and straight to the point. You could refer to this tip as the triple S.

  • Include a quote from the organization.

Make use of at least a quote from a top executive as this lends credibility and legitimacy to your release and this convinces the public of the legitimacy of the official document.

  • Make use of Social Media Influencers.

Influencers have a loyal following and this would help you reach their audience without much convincing needed. It is however vital to make sure the influencer’s brand story aligns perfectly with yours.

  • Honesty still sells.

There’s no substitute for truth. The audience has to trust that whatever comes from you can be depended on as accurate and factual, always.

Overall, keep evolving with the times and ensure that you stay relevant and in touch with innovative ways to reach your target audience.

5 Ways of Improving Your Brand Image with Social Media

When you can understand how people view your brand, you can control their opinions using the appropriate medium. Image branding is the method and strategy used in creating impressions in the mind of customers about your brand.

The image of a brand is developed over time through PR and Advertising campaigns with a consistent theme validated through the customer’s experiences with the brand.

There are several factors you need to consider  when it comes to image branding:

1. Identify your target audience

The first step is to know your audience. You need to specify who your audiences are as they comprise of customers, partners, industry analysts and employees.

Have an achievable goal

You have to create a feasible goal. Having an attainable goal is critical for image branding, this will let you perform tasks at your own pace.

3. Create a good brand persona

Once the key audiences have been identified and achievable goals have been set, you can now start to build your brand persona (what your brand stands for).

4. Key messaging

After defining your brand persona, it is important to document your message to appeal to your target audience.

5. Be consistent

Customers like knowing what to expect from the interactions they have with your Brand. This means you have to deliver a clear and consistent message through social media channels. Especially during your PR and advertising campaign.






7 Effective Strategies for Marketing to a Nigerian Female Audience

 “Pleasing a woman should be as easy as making her your top priority.” ~ Anonymous

There’s nowhere this quote should come alive than in marketing to women. In this case women in Nigeria.

A look at majority of Nigerian TV adverts of the 70s, 80s and some from the 90s gives a glimpse into the marketing considerations of brands in those eras. – An unprecedented level of patriarchal patronage.

This may not be unconnected with the then positioning of women. Coupled with the expected gender roles, majority of Nigerian women at the time were less educated, poor and politically non-existent.

Now, the wheels are gradually turning for good. There are more educated Nigerian women. Majority of women entrepreneurs. Many more politically active women now trot our sphere, and the enlightenment quotient of the Nigerian woman is on a major rise, making it an error for any brand to try the marketing tactics of the past now and expect to win.

Why give consideration to female audience in marketing?

The Nigerian woman has perceptual and behavioural modes different from that of their male-counterpart, therefore marketing to her in the same mode as her male counterpart may not result in the same favourable outcome.

Secondly, Nigerian women are more advanced in knowledge, education and financial status. They possess a broader knowledge and view of the world now unlike it was in the past.

Therefore, any marketing effort that fails to take cognizance of these changes will fail to win them over.

How then can you market to the Nigerian female audience?

#1. Understand your women

We cannot say this enough. Learn about the exact demographics of your target female audience. Everything about them. Their age, life stage and all you require to totally understand them.

Understanding those helps you in designing strategies that would effectively market and convince them to make purchasing decisions favourable to you.

#2. Balance out equations

When you have a mixed target audience comprising of males and females, even things out by incorporating contents that communicates to both genders.

If it’s possible, use a mono marketing content that speaks to all target audience at once. If not, create marketing contents that specifically speaks to your varied audience, male and female.

#3. Don’t gender-generalize

Marketing to women does not mean you should lump all women together and shoot your contents at them. Hell no!

Just like in other audience types, women come in segments by status, interest, age, and other differences that separate each one of them from the other.

So, targeting them in a lump would be an error that will yield negative marketing results.

#4. Dig their likes, use them

Freebies, kids, cute men are just some strong magnets for the Nigerian female.  When appropriate, use these audience attractions in your contents while marketing to them.

One word of caution, use them in an intelligent manner.

#5. Freebies are bae

According to a study conducted at the King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, female consumers are more likely to respond to freebies regardless of their income levels. Same can be said of the Nigerian woman.

The average Nigerian female consumer, regardless of her economic status likes and looks out to maximize opportunities to purchase goods that comes with a promise of freebies.

In order to make your marketing attractive to a Nigerian female audience, dangle freebies around your offers when necessary.

#6. Beautiful colours are the new pink

It is a marketing error to presume that women love a constricted number of colours and go ahead to use them for ads and other marketing content.

Just like the men, women are attracted to a variety of colours and would react to marketing contents that speaks to their emotion no matter the colour.

Just make it beautiful and attractive.

#7. Tap into their emotions

Women are emotional beings, they’re prone to expressing their emotions and falling for emotions than the men.

All a savvy business person needs is a deliberate tap into this and win them over.

One of the best ways of doing this is by infusing storytelling and fun into your marketing content, then watch them get stuck to your brand as ants to sugar.

How to Leverage Trends for Brand Awareness on Social Media

Every business person wants their business to generate more income and grow beyond the teething stage.

They exploit every opportunity that lean towards this end and make the best of gains out of them.

Savvy business people do more. They go the extra mile to ensure things happen, including spending on marketing using social media. And adequately maintaining a successful social media account for a business comes with some handsome budgeting, but leveraging trends for your social media marketing efforts can get your business an organic viralty that can compete with its paid counterparts.

The good news is, the Nigerian society and its political arena presents on the steady, tons of trends that can be leveraged by businesses to drive massive social media awareness for their brands and save social media marketing costs.

An example is the story of the snake that swallowed 36 million naira which many businesses latched on to create conversations around their brands.

A good example leveraging a trend for social media content

Here’s how you too can do same.

#1. Understand your audience

We know that you already know your target audience, but when a trend surfaces and you wish to jump on it, there’s the need to remind yourself of those basics again.

Ask yourself, who’s my audience? Will this flow with them? How are they going to perceive this? Before you proceed.

#2. Be hyper sure it’s a trend

Trends are ongoing conversations and opinions about an issue of massive common interest. Not every noise is qualified to be a brand.

You need to be able to decipher which conversation deserves the trend crown before integrating them into your brand conversation.

The easiest way to do this is to pay attention to the trend section on Twitter, and check out for real time conversations on Twitter surrounding the identified trend.

#3. Play by audience location

Consider the location of your audience before jumping on trends.

The trend should match with your audience location. This is because trends in countries foreign to your audience will only generate snubs and no engagements. Engagement is needed to be able to drive awareness using trends.

#4. Twist narrative to suit your brand offer

When you notice a trend that suits your brand and fits in with your audience, the next thing to do is to create and weave a message that is in tandem with your brand’s offer around the trend before sharing them with your audience.

#5. Be creative, make it fun

One basic truth about marketing on social media is this, the audience wants to be either educated or entertained.

For this reason, any message with a touch of fun easily gels with online audience and sparks them into engaging with them.

So, make it fun.

Good intentions gone sour: A social media post weaved around a trend that triggered a customer’s ire.

#6. Scrutinize for offensiveness

Even when they have checked out on all the other criteria, social media content meant to leverage a trend for brand awareness still needs to be cross-checked for offensiveness.

Share the post with a friend or colleague who shares similarities with your target audience how they feel about the content before you post.

#7. Share with appropriate hashtags

This caps it all.

When you’re done with every other thing, share your post with industry hashtags that match with the topic of the content you wish to share. Then post.


Of all the other social media platforms, trends go more viral on twitter. Consider using Twitter for posts weaved around trends.

Posting on the social media when your audience is offline may limit the performance of your post, so note when your audience is online and make your post to meet them at the point of their visit to your social media handle.

How to Use Emotional Intelligence in Customer Communications

Earlier this year, world’s second largest global clothing retailer, Hennes & Mauritz ran into troubling waters with its customers globally over an advert that it ran on its UK e-commerce site where it used five-year-old “Black boy” Liam Mango to model a hooded sweatshirt with the inscription, “Coolest monkey in the hood”.

Advert of controversy: The coolest monkey in the jungle advert.

The social media was awash with rage. Angry customers burgled the company’s South African store. Search engine results still return “Brand image killer” articles and comments about the company. Celebrities lashed out at the company, while the others with running contracts with H&M severed association with the brand among other occurrences.

Generally, H&M lost global goodwill over the avoidable racially insensitive advert. A classic case of an outright brand emotional intelligence aloofness.

What is emotional intelligence?

It is the ability to recognize one’s own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings, label them appropriately and use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.

Customers are humans driven by emotions and their purchase decisions are based on same. This makes emotional intelligence a critical aspect of customer communications.

How then can emotional intelligence be incorporated into your brand’s customer communications?

#1. Know your customers

To be able to effectively communicate with your customers without raising red flags, you should be able to thoroughly know your customers. Their age, location, annual income, parental status and every necessary information that fully helps you to get to know whom your customers are.

A thorough knowledge of your customers smoothens communication between both ends and makes it mutually benefiting.

#2. Respect and value your customers’ culture

Culture is a people’s way of living. If any company is desirous of remaining in business, then respect and value for the culture of its customers should be paramount in its communications strategy.

Learning about your customers’ culture helps you understand the norms and guides you in crafting communication strategies that effectively speaks to them without a trigger of bad blood.

If you don’t like your customers’ culture, respect it!

#3. Avoid keywords that evoke negative emotions

In your out-bound communication whether verbal or written, avoid keywords that are capable of triggering negative emotions among your customers.

Keywords about the race, religion, culture and history of your customers.

#4. Hire the right communications team

No business person is supposed to hate on its customers in any form. If dislike for your customers’ culture is consuming you, sooner or later it’ll manifest in your communications. And nothing ruins a business like bad communication.

To avoid the H&M kind of drama, hire a communications team with a culture of respect for diversity like Wildflower PR to handle your communications.

Wildflower PR manages some of Africa’s biggest brands. See some of them here.

Your turn

How do you feel about cultures that are completely different from yours? Have you ever had a case of a customer reacting badly during communication? How did you resolve the matter?

We would love to read your comments. Share them with us in the comments section.



5 Most Creative Valentine Season Campaigns of Recent Times


Every February presents communications departments in many organizations an opportunity to creatively weave love discussions around their brands.

When their meals are done we get some good, some bad, some ugly and some really dope campaigns serenading the airwaves.

Every February presents communications departments in many organizations an opportunity to creatively weave love discussions around their brands.

When their meals are done we get some good, some bad, some ugly and some really dope campaigns serenading the airwaves.

Well, we’re focusing on the dope side of the campaigns today.

Our article here chronicles five of the campaigns that brought the wow factor to the valentine’s season celebration in recent times.


#1. Cocacola’s couples’ happiness machine 2012

In a tweaked version of its first “Happiness strikes” campaign which was hosted in a New York University in 2010, Cocacola treated couples to a valentine’s day surprise by installing a remote-controlled vending machine specially made for couples in a busy New York shopping mall on the valentine’s day of 2015.

People had to do only one thing to have access to drinks from the vending machine.

And that was to prove that they were actually a couple, viola! they’ll be rewarded with cans of Cocacola drinks from the vending machine.

Awesome creativity, isn’t it?



#2. Flower Council of Holland’s #Cupidrone Love in the air 2015 

In 2015, Funnyhowflowersdothat.co.uk, an initiative of the Flower Council of Holland an organization in the Netherlands which promotes the use and selling of flowers.

In order to make people aware of the importance of flower to the celebration of valentine’s day, the organization organized the Love in the air campaign, in which #Cupidrone a real drone stealthily dropped red roses to couples.

When the drone spots his target, he drops them a red rose.

The campaign was set in Verona, the Italian city made famous by William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.



#3. Coca Cola’s #LoveIsInTheAir 2013

The Cocacola brand never ceases to amaze with awe inspiring creativity for its valentine’s season campaigns and this one was not different either.

Seeking ideas for its 2013 valentine’s day campaign, Cocacola threw open a contest challenging filmmakers around the world to come up with a creative advert to celebrate the day.

At last then 23-year-old Hugh Mitton’s idea was chosen.

The ad was simple but intriguing. Really intriguing.

The idea entailed dropping cans of Cocacola from a height to unsuspecting couples hanging out in a busy cityscape.

Aw! Such a lovely sight to behold.

See the video below.

#4. Swatch’s #ThisIsLove 2015

For its 2015 valentine’s day campaign, Swiss watch making giant Swatch wanted to generate a buzz and sales for its brands and that was how the #ThisIsLove campaign emerged.

For the campaign, Swatch positioned remote controlled display boards in select busy malls at Paris, Zurich, and Madrid.

To get to participate to win a 2,000 euros worth of travel voucher, fans had to find a key hidden in a heap of love themed pictures on the display board; by repeatedly moving their bodies in front of the board while the pictures are picked out to finally unravel the key.

When the key is unraveled, the fan gets an online access to pictures of themselves snapped by the display board when they log in to a portal.

They were expected to send the pictures to their val. When this is done, they get an access to enter for the promo proper.

Not a bad idea at all.

Check out the video below to see the campaign.


#5. Dominos Pizza on Tinder 2014

In 2014 Dominos Pizza decided to do something different from normal for the valentine’s season. Guess what they did? They registered on the dating site Tinder!

Registering a presence on Tinder, Dominos promoted its valentine’s day campaign offering Tinder users an opportunity to swipe right and win delicious meal deals.

This is how they did it.

First, they registered and next they kept swipping right and liked many individuals on the app. At last they got matched to hundreds of Tinder users whom they engaged in chats and made meal deals that finally got delivered to each of the individuals at their doorsteps.

What other thing could be more beautiful than that?


Now you have our five most creative valentine campaigns of recent times. Which other valentine season campaigns do you think is creative enough to grace this list?

Send us your comments.

7 Reasons to Use the Social Media as a Public Relations Tool For Your Brand

Before now, the traditional media via TV, newspapers, magazines and radio, played the role of public relations tools for brands. They were regarded the real deal till the appearance of the social media to the Nigerian business scene.

Now we are all hooked and it seems the craze for this communication medium will never cease.

Even though they are part of the new craze in town, majority of Nigerian brands still do not understand why (and how) the social media could be used as a PR tool for their brands.

We’ll show you why in this article.

#1. Everybody is on social

That sounds fallacious right? We agree too, but I am sure you’ll change your mind when you read the next lines.

According to United States Census Bureau, the human population in the world is over 7 billion.

Now let’s count.

Facebook has over 2 billion active users worldwide. Twitter has over 310 million users. Pinterest has over 360 million active users. Whatsapp has over 1 billion daily users.

Over 2 billion are active on Youtube. Over 5 million on Google plus and more.

Now you see why we said everybody is on social?

Everybody being on the social media means both your customers and prospective customers are there.

Time to shoot your shot somebody?


#2. No bottlenecks

Before the coming of the social media, you’ll need to go through middle men and bottlenecks which makes it hard to get your message to the right audience quickly.

Social media makes it easy to deliver your message to your target audience without having to go through any individual.

No bottlenecks.



#3. Gather real time data

Compared to the traditional public relations media, using the social media for PR grants you access to the real time data and behavior of your audience. You get to know what is working and what isn’t. You also get a chance to tweek your PR efforts and re-launch them for greater profitability.


#4. Targeting the right Audience

Doing PR on traditional media is like, a soldier at war shooting sporadically into the air without any major target. He will waste his bullets and also kill the innocent.

Even though doing your brand’s PR on traditional media sounds “sexy”, the attendant target audience mis-firings and the financial waste cannot be overlooked.

The traditional media is good, but for this reason, social media serves you better.


#5. Affordability

Doing adverts on traditional media requires that a brand sets aside a handsome amount of money unlike running same adverts on the social media.

Running ads on social media can cost as less as NGN300 depending on what you plan to achieve for your brand.


#6. Speed of light customer communication

Social media helps you interact with your target audience in the speed of light.

You get immediate feedback from your customers about your brand, and a seamless customer to brand communications.


#7. Fast reach

Whatever content is on the social media takes miliseconds to get to the target audience anywhere around the world.

This is not same with the traditional media which can get limited by location.

We believe you now know why you should take the social media seriously for your brand’s PR efforts.

Need help with running your social media and digital assets efficiently? You can talk to us.


Very few people can explain what people in public relations really do. A lot of people might think that Public relations is just a cute name for people who organize fancy campaigns for brands. These “PR experts” most times have no idea what Public Relations actually is about.

To succeed in the PR space, you have to be willing to ‘put your all’ into it. You must have a ‘proper understanding of the brand(s) you are managing’ and should always ‘think’ before you talk.

Public Relations is a “strategic communication process” that builds ‘mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics’

To survive in PR, please note that “PR is a Persuasion Business”. It involves convincing an audience; inside your building or town and outside your usual sphere of influence, to promote your idea, purchase your product, support your position, or recognize your accomplishments.

Most people start out and eventually get sunk in the industry. But we have 5 unique tips to keep you thriving in the PR business;

  • RESEARCH: This is the most important part of PR. You must perform a brand survey and audience survey to gauge the awareness and perceptions of your client and public attitudes towards it. It’s extremely important to conduct a research before launching a PR program. This will determine the strategies and tactics that will be used to run the PR campaign.


  • UNDERSTAND THE AUDIENCE IS IN CHARGE OF CURRENT LANDSCAPE: Whatever campaign you want to push, understand that the target audience decides if the message is worth it or not. Understand who you are talking to, to enable the message to be sent out via the right medium.

If you understand this, you will always achieve PR Goals, therefore making clients happy.

  • THE FOUNDATION OF PR IS MULTITASKING: The beauty and challenge of public relations is found in its broad nature of expectancies. One minute you may be designing a runway show, the next you might be media pitching to local news stations. You should Have the determination and tenacity to complete any task promptly, effectively and with a smile.

PS: Learn the skill of doing more than one thing at the same time and doing it efficiently, this will keep you in the PR business for a very long time.

  • THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: The only difference between you and the other PR guy is the idea you come up with for your clients. Do not limit your thoughts, always think out of the norm and think of breaking bounds. Try not to channel your thought towards some idea that has already been executed. Be unique and creative!


  • THINK ON YOUR FEET: Multitasking is a huge part of PR. You should always think on your feet. Think out of the box, save the word with your thoughts, BUT do it as fast as you can. Think on your feet. Come up with the smartest ideas without delays. Because Time is very important in PR and cannot be wasted.


To survive and thrive in public relations, it takes Effort, Persistence and a Huge Drive.


Every PR Tactic is tailored to appeal to an audience; this can be a very daunting task because capturing their hearts can sometimes be very difficult. Therefore, in order to appeal to their minds, your brand needs to get a little resourceful by implementing some non-traditional PR tactics.

Ultimately, you want people to buy the relationship and promise rather than just the service or product; your strategies/tactics should tell your stories while also building your repute and reliability.

Here are some public relations tactics you can use to get a competitive edge.

Examine your competition 
Study your competitors, what they are offering and what type of media coverage they are achieving. You can make sure that you aren’t talking about the same topics, can see where they are being published so you can emulate, and learn from their mistakes. You should keep an eye on what your competition is up to, but you should never get fixated on it.

Write expert articles
Writing articles is an excellent way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and give you an edge against your competition. Your articles must be relevant, engaging and valuable for your target audience. You can then pitch your articles to the publications you would like to be featured in.

Provide commentary to the media 
Since journalists are always on the watch for new story angles, expert opinions and advice, providing commentary to the media is a brilliant way to demonstrate your own expertise and knowledge in your topic area. This could be as simple as offering a response to an article or pitching yourself to a publication for an interview. Reading the news everyday is essential for knowing the right time to provide commentary to the media.

Make the most of speaking opportunities 
Speaking at conferences or events is an excellent way to position yourself as an expert with your target audience, build your profile and credibility, and generate brand awareness is to speak at conferences or events. Don’t just be present at industry events, make your presence felt.

Use case studies to your advantage 
Case studies describe previous clients your business has worked with. They give potential customers or clients an insight into how your business operates, and how they can benefit from what your business has to offer.

Remember: The power of public relations ultimately lies in its ability to set a business apart.



Authored by NimiClaret

Owning a small business and not knowing how to promote your brand could be difficult most of the time. In this new age of digital marketing, using social media to promote your brand is the best way to go. Your target audience are everywhere. You can find them on any social media platform you can think of; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. Setting up your accounts and managing them might seem difficult but here are five ways to take care of that with ease.


The first step to growing your audience on social media is having strong profiles and pages for your social media accounts. When building your profiles and pages, always make sure you fill out every single detail, put up a bio, website link, location, phone number and email address. This will give people who click on your profile a reason to follow you.


Another way to build your audience on social media is by sharing reasonable and valuable content. Always remember to share content your target audience will enjoy and they can benefit from. For instance, if your business is a smoothie business, share content about the benefits of smoothies and health tips.


Social media is just wonderful because its reach can go worldwide. People can notice your own business with a paid promotion. You have to invest in ads and social media management tools to help promote your business. There are various ways start-ups can share and market their content; you can boost your posts on Facebook, and can promote your posts on Instagram so they can appear higher on your audience’s feed, there by increasing the chance being seen.


You can now grow your audience after setting up your social media profiles, content and strategy. All you have to do is follow other people, pages and profiles, repost content, like posts and respond to comments. Always respond to feedback and be regular on your pages. Your community will definitely expand when you engage and interact with your audience regularly.


Always keep in mind that you have to track, monitor and measure your social media statistics. Vital metrics will show the success of your marketing strategy and how much you have achieved in a given period of time.