Email marketing comes in handy when you want to reach a large number of people, prospects, get new clients and maintain existing ones. It is estimated that about 91% of consumers check their emails daily.
Return on Investment (ROI) on email marketing can reach 3800%, and emails have 3 times an average order value (AOV) compared with social media. With this figures it pays to maximize your email marketing strategy to what works best for you.
Here are some guidelines you can follow to increase the chances of your marketing effectiveness:
• Use a compelling headline – Your headline/subject line is the first thing your target audience gets to see and it should speak to the reader letting them know what your email will do for them. • Grow your mailing list – One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering people something free (a.k.a, Lead magnet, like an e-book, discount, free trial or webinar in exchange for an email address. An added benefit is that this act of generosity also tends to build loyal customers
• Avoid getting labeled as spam – Follow laid down regulations concerning emails such as only sending to people who have subscribed to your email and also give them the option to unsubscribe.
Also, use merge tags to personalised the “To:” field so each recipient gets a personalized email. Also, avoid unnecessary use of exclamation marks and sales word as these actions could lead to some spam filter being triggered by such.
• Know your target audience – Getting the most out of your emails requires knowing who needs and wants what you have to offer so you can concentrate on them and increase effectiveness. Also, make use of the insights (usually accessible from the reports section in the email marketing application) to know how effective your marketing strategy is and how you can adjust as needed.
Finally, make sure your emails are optimised for mobile as well, over 50% of consumer check their emails on their phones.