For every business operating in sales online or even possessing an online presence, there are various stages customers go through when interacting with your brand, its product or services. This includes stages such as when they discover your brand to the stage where a purchase is made. A sales funnel basically helps you understand the different points of a customer’s journey while interacting with your brand.
A social media sales funnel can be broken down into 5 stages and they are the awareness, interest, engagement, conversion and loyalty stage. We have simplified the 5 stages with a short explanation to help you understand them.
• Awareness: This is the initial stage where someone comes across or discovers your brand. One of the ways this also happens is when a follower shares or retweets your post.
• Interest: Here the person has more curiosity about your brand and researches more, this could include checking out other posts you’ve put up or even your website.
• Engagement: At this stage, the person has begun to engage with posts or the channel itself via likes, comments, DM, etc.
• Conversion: The person decides here that your products or services are worth paying for. This could also include regular revisits to your page.
• Loyalty: This stage involves continuous engagement with your brand, even after following your brand and/or a purchase has been made. Here some take it up a notch by helping promote your brand or defending it as the occasion demands.
Understanding each stage can help you relate better with your customers according to the stage they currently reside. At WildFlowerPR we carefully consider all stages when managing your social media and What stage excites you the most?
At WildFlower PR, we carefully consider all stages when we manage your social media channels and ensure you are able to get the best from your PR goals and objectives. We employ an extensive measurement and analytic package to track performances in order to get you noticeable results. Contact us today for your social media needs.